- S.1. The buildings meet all requirements of the Building Code. A Certificate of Occupancy for each building is conspicuously displayed.
- S.2. The buildings are constructed according to their respective uses.
- S.3. The buildings are well-planned and appropriately located to provide for future expansion.
- S.4. Entry and exit points permit the use of the buildings for public and other functions with minimum interference to school activities.
- S.5. Emergency exits are provided and properly marked.
- S.6. The buildings are equipped with emergency/fire escapes which are readily accessible.
- S.7. The corridors, doorways, and alleys are well-constructed for better mobility.
- S.8. The buildings are well-ventilated and lighted.
- S.9. The buildings have facilities for persons with disability (PWDs) as provided by law.
- S.10. There is a central signal and fire alarm system.
- S.11. There are readily accessible and functional fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment.
- S.12. Bulletin boards, display boards, waste disposal containers, and other amenities are strategically located inside the buildings.
- S.13. There are faculty rooms and offices.
- S.14. The buildings are insured. Additional File
- I.1. The buildings are clean, well-maintained, and free from vandalistic acts.
- I.2. Toilets are clean and well-maintained.
- I.3. Electrical lines are safely installed and periodically checked.
- I.4. Water facilities are functional and well-distributed in all buildings.
- I.5. There is a periodic portability testing of drinking water. Additional File
- I.6. Floor plans indicating fire exits and the location of fire fighting equipment, standpipes, and other water resources are conspicuously displayed in each building.
- I.7. All school facilities are periodically subjected to pest control and inspection.
- I.8. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the campus.
- I.9. Periodic drill on disaster and risk reduction (earthquake, flood, fire, etc.) is conducted.