- S.1 The institution has Student Services Program (SSP).
- S.2. The Student Affairs Services (SAS) program is consistent with the vision and mission of the Institution, goals of the College/Academic Unit and objectives of the Program.
- S.3. The objectives of the SAS are clearly defined.
- S.4. The objectives of the SAS are in accordance with CMO No. 9 series of 2013.
- S.5. The SAS is composed of:
- S.6. The following basic service are available:
- S.6.1. Student Welfare;
- S.6.1.1. Information and Orientation Services;
- S.6.1.2. Guidance and Counseling Services;
- S.6.1.3. Career and Job Placement Services;
- S.6.1.4. Economic Enterprise Development; and
- S.6.1.5. Student Handbook Development.
- S.6.2. Student Development;
- S.6.2.1. Student Activities;
- S.6.2.2. Student Organizations and Activities;
- S.6.2.3. Leadership Training;
- S.6.2.4. Student Council/Government;
- S.6.2.5. Student Discipline; and
- S.6.2.6. Student Publication/Year Book.
- S.6.3. Institutional Student Programs and Services;
- S.6.3.1. Admission Services;
- S.6.3.2. Scholarship and Financial Assistance(SFA);
- S.6.3.3. Food Services;
- S.6.3.4. Health and Wellness Services;
- S.6.3.5. Safety and Security Services;
- S.6.3.6. Student Housing and Residential Services;
- S.6.3.7. Multi-faith and inter-faith Services;
- S.6.3.8. Foreign/ International Students Services (whenever applicable);
- S.6.3.9. Services for Students with Special Needs;
- S.6.3.10. Culture and Arts Programs;
- S.6.3.11. Sports and Development Programs;
- S.6.3.12. Social and Community Involvement Programs; and
- S.6.3.13. others (please specify)___________________.
Student Affairs and Services Unit
- S.7. There is a SAS Unit that manages students affairs development and welfare programs.
- S.8. The SAS Unit has an organizational structure indicating its relationship with other Units.
- S.9. The SAS Unit is headed by a qualified official.
- S.10. The SAS Unit is staffed with qualified personnel.
Administrative Support
- S.11. The various student services are provided with adequate staff, physical facilities, equipment and materials(e.g. One (1) guidance counselor for every 1,000 students, etc.)
- S.12. There is a sufficient budget allocation for the Student Affairs and Services of the institution.
- I.1. The objectives of the SAS are disseminated to and understood by the students, faculty, staff and administrators.
- I.2. The SAS plans, implements, monitors and coordinates programs and services for student welfare and development.
- I.3. Prompt, courteous and efficient services in the handling of business transactions with students are evident.
- I.4. The SAS staff receive salaries on time.
- I.5. The SAS is represented in the policy and decision-making body of the institution.
- I.6. The projects and activities of the SAS Unit are recognized and implemented.
- I.7. There is a continous and systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs and services for student welfare and development.